Working Bees
Spring/Summer weather is the perfect time to put on your gloves and sturdy boots and join us at our working bees.
BYO gloves and hat and basic tools (e.g. weeding fork).
[Feel free to bring a brushcutter! – FOCH can reimburse you for fuel and string.]
The focus for this season is weeding, tidying and clearing. No more planting for a while.
Normally we meet at one of the two picnic tables (see on the map www.cornishhilldaylesford.com.au/map/). If in doubt contact Kath Anderson at kathando@yahoo.com or on 0405 097 424.
Dates for the next working bees: Forthcoming working bee dates are announced on our Facebook page facebook.com/groups/fochgroup.

After brush cutting and raking out the debris on Smith Creek
So why not become a volunteer?
- It’s fun and good exercise and you get to meet people and make friends
- Learn more about native plants and wild life
- Help save a piece of Daylesford’s history
- Do something for the environment
AND besides we always serve good coffee and cake at working bees and events!!!
The Friends profile is forever being enhanced by the different skills each member brings. As a group we are open to different ideas and relish creativity. You may have a skill you would like to offer and it does not need to be of the manual labour variety. Maybe you are a whizz with a camera and would like to create a wild flower album, perhaps history is your interest, maybe website maintenance. We don’t know until you tell us so please email to friendsofcornishhill@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook.